[continuacion ]Como recupero la base de datos

Buenas tardes, ayer abri un tema para ver si podia recuperar el trabajo en la base de datos de mi sitio web, pero me aparecio que estaba archivado y que tenia que pagar.

al intentar acceder hoy para sacar una copia de la base de datos, mi sitio web a desaparecido con lo que todo el trabajo del ultimo mes se ha perdido ;(

No me gusto que se cambiara la plataforma el año pasado, con esta no paro de tener problemas y ademas perdida de datos.

No se si se podra recuperar la base de datos del proyecto sino tendre que pensar en como recuperar todo el trabajo de un mes entero justo a las puertas de entregar el proyecto final.

Espero que alguno me pueda dar alguna solucion.

Very weird…
I’ll open a ticket with a developer to check.

While we understand it can be annoying to lose your data / work - backups are always 100% the responsibility of the user, we cannot accept responsibility for loss of data through system failure, inactive user policy, user accidentally deleting data or even ourselves removing data.

The way it appears currently is the archiving feature hasn’t worked correctly so when the system queued your site to restore it found there was no data available so it simply deleted the URL instead.

You are free to make a new website and upload any backups you’ve taken previously, a developer will likely investigate this case as it has happened a few times to archived sites which have no data - it just deletes them - it will be unlikely that you will hear much more about the developers findings as they are very busy so it may be a while before a response if any and it will be highly unlikely of any data being recoverable.


The information we have relating to the URL you’ve mentioned

App name:: glory-yt.000webhostapp.com

|Was built|No|
|Had inodes|None|
|Signed up on|2018-10-12 19:53:03|
|App Deleted|2019-10-13 14:56:27|

inodes are data basically, as it couldn’t find any it seems it has been removed altogether.

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