cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after some miliseconds

I am gotting error “The firewall of your server is blocking outbound calls. Please contact your hosting provider to fix this issue. cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after 2510 milliseconds” on WP.
Please Help me.

Try installing and check the status of the HTTP API Calls in the admin page where the error is displayed.

I got error in HTTP API Calls.

Please help me.

This means that some code on your site is setting the sslverify argument in HTTP API requests to false .

Your best approach is to try deactivating all your other plugins one by one to see which one is the culprit. Don’t forget to check for any must-use plugins in the wp-content/mu-plugins directory. Failing that, try switching your theme to one of the default ones such as Twenty Seventeen.

I deleted all plugins(except query monitor).
I got error again.

Unsure, but you might want to find alternative hosting as your site may break our ToS.

How ?
Whit ToS may break ?
And I’m getting sslverify=false still.

Cheap Accounts & Services?
It sounds pretty sketch to me, so I would consider the content you plan on uploading/selling etc.
We don’t promote the usage of our services to sell stolen accounts etc.

If you can’t figure it out, you’re better off posting in the main support forums of WordPress where there are more volunteers around to help you out.

Could be an issue with the CloudFlare certificate for all we know.