cURL error 7. Cannot connect to

Since I uploaded my wordpress site to 000webhost, it’s been unable to connect to As a result, I can’t download plugins and can’t update my wordpress. The error message I keep getting is

Blockquote Your site is unable to reach at, and returned the error: cURL error 7: Failed connect to; Connection timed out

I’ve searched for solutions from wordpress, but was redirected to my host.

I’m on the free/learning plan.


I have managed to create a test website on your account, install WordPress and install plugins without issue.

I can only advise you freshly install WordPress to combat your issue :slight_smile:

Okay. That’s nice.
I’ll have to duplicate my site and reinstall wordpress. I’ll come back to give the outcome.

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Dear @Infinity, I’ve done as you said. I backed up my site, and painstakingly reinstalled WordPress. Just to be sure, I loaded my files both on my localhost, and on the 000webhost server.

Problem not fixed! WordPress only returned the error on the webhost, while my localhost works just fine.

Might I be doing something wrong?