?deleted website?

I’ve seen similar problems that you’ve handled. I hope you can help me too.

After receiving a message that my website was not active (it’s pretty static lately), I started logging and and changing things just to keep the software happy.
The next thing I know, the website shows a message that the “Website is no longer available. The authors have deleted the site.” I didn’t.

I finally decided that I would just make the site again. No biggy. I have everything backed up.

I go through the control login and get my email verified.
I get the nice little message welcoming me.
I try to make the same site with the same subdomain but it says "Another website with this domain already exists.

I can establish a new subdomain but I was hoping I wouldn’t have to publish a new website address to the people who view it.

Can you help?
I need the old site to be active again or the old site REALLY deleted.

Thanks for your help.

Hi there,
Unfortunately, our policy states that deleted website names cannot be re-used, ever. Even we (the staff) cannot whitelist them for re-use again :slight_smile:

Interesting policy.
Can the website be un-deleted?

As I previously said, nope.

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