Different web site on web and in Biulder

Hello, I want to get currently published web site into the builder. I built the site there, but I probably made a mistake somewhere on the way (I was making 2 different versions as separate sites…).

My page: atletikapreradost.000webhostapp.com
When I go to cpanel, select Build website atletikapreradost…, and click Build Now, different site shows-up. Is there a way to load currently published site?

Thank you.

Your current site was created with WordPress not the site builder :slight_smile:
It can easily be accessed to edit here: https://atletikapreradost.000webhostapp.com/wp-admin

You are right! Page was archived and I had to install wordpress once again. I had a backup, so were able to import the site to wordpress as the original (published) one was replaced by some default page after the installation. Thanks for your help.

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