DNS CNAME problem

I have a problem with pointing domain to my website. First I’ve tried to park domain. It was working only for www example com when I tried to open only example com browser said there is no such site. So I deleted parked domain and I got back to my domain provider which is ovh com and set the CNAME for www. Now when accessing www example com it says “there is nothing yet” - message from 000webhost. More over I’m unable to create CNAME for root without www. How to point properly to be able to access the site from example.com and www example com?

Good day, sir!

What are the domain and the website name?

domain is znanyfotograf.pl and site on 000webhost is znany-fotograf.000webhostapp.com

If you want to park your domain using cname, then add the below CNAME records on your domain dns:

@     -->  znany-fotograf.000webhostapp.com
www   -->  znany-fotograf.000webhostapp.com

Now wait for CNAME to get fully propagated, as you can check in the below link:
After propagation try to park your domain.

it is working partially, I’m again able to reach domain with www but unable to access it simply by znanyfotograf.pl. when trying to add CNAME for root I’m getting error like -> Error when adding the entry to the DNS zone. (A CNAME RR for a root record is not allowed) I’m also unable to add @ as this char is not allowed.

can you post screenshot of you domain dns?

Can you DM me your domain login link and credentials?
Let me try it from my side.

I’ve made it! I’ve made visible redirection (301) from domain to www and now it’s fine. Search engines also will not have any problems with addresses.

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Let us know if you’ve any other issues :slight_smile: