Dov website query

I have tried to post my issue for the last day, a couple of times, and I still don’t see it in the queue. Please post my previous posts, so that I may get a response. TY.

My website is down. I have tried changing the php version, and clicking the repair button. Nothing works!

Please let me know what else I can try. This is pretty upsetting. Thank you.

Working fine here can you screenshot?
502 bad gateway error is known of and nothing literally to do but wait it out currently.

If you are still facing issues some things to try are

  1. Provide a screenshot so we can see exactly what you can

  2. Use a different browser / clear existing browser cache data

  3. Use alternative DNS to ensure this isn’t an issue with bad DNS from your standard ISP / being blocked by your ISP as a lot of providers now block 000webhost sadly (using alternative DNS like will resolve this currently - Use To Resolve Your Website Quicker)

  4. Disable your computer firewall and antivirus temporarily - if this allows access then we can work to add an exception on your firewall/antivirus quite easily normally depending on your software.

  5. Use a VPN such as - if this allows access then there is a blockage on your computer, local network or ISP along the way and we can only advise trying alternative DNS/contacting your network administrator.

Interesting. I guess it went back up last night.

Thanks for your help

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