Email on the

Hello! I have a problem. dont work emeil adres. I dont get emeil.

@ghost_recon What panel are you on?

Old panel. Don’t have new panel.

@ghost_recon Old panel is being shutdown soon…and because of this you’re facing such issues.

Migrate to new panel…to avoid such issues.
On new panel there’s no email feature available provided by 000webhost…but you can use the new email forwarding feature…or else your use gapps or zoho for your mails…which works fine with new panel.
Follow this thread in order to migrate to new panel.

That email is no longer active.
You can probably send but you will never get emails to it anymore.

Migrate to the new panel and use email forwarders.

I am megrete to the new panel. but, how to create emeil adress?

Click Manage Emails then make some forwarders

please, show me image that make it. i see the “Create”->“Park domain”

Yes you need to park a premium or free domain.

You cannot get email services for free subdomains provided by 000webhost anymore due to abusive users ruining it for everyone else.