Empty/Blank page with Parked Domain

I’ve parked my domain faceless.asia to faceless-asia.000webhostapp.com. But faceless.asia returns empty/blank page, where faceless-asia.000webhostapp.com returns index page.

id 39772 opcode QUERY rcode NOERROR flags QR RD RA QUESTION www.faceless.asia. IN NS ANSWER www.faceless.asia. 3330 IN CNAME faceless-asia.000webhostapp.com. faceless-asia.000webhostapp.com. 3599 IN CNAME us-east-1.route-1.000webhost.awex.io. us-east-1.route-1.000webhost.awex.io. 59 IN NS dns2.000webhost.com. us-east-1.route-1.000webhost.awex.io. 59 IN NS dns1.000webhost.com. AUTHORITY ADDITIONAL

At a guess it’ll be DNS issue on your end.

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