Erreur d'ouverture de site

Mon site ne fonctionne plus !
Error: Failed to start application: Failed to start the session
D’ou vient cette erreur
Merci de votre aide

What is your website’s address?
Pour ces deux sites j’ai comme erreur :
Error: Failed to start application: Failed to start the session

Where exactly do you see the error?

On my screen ! :souriant:

Try now please? :slight_smile:

Ça marche ! Merci
Quel était le problème? Aurais-je pu corriger moi-même ?

I enabled PHP error reporting and it was saying MYSQL DATABASE FAILED TO CONNECT.
So I took the password from the configuration.php and made that the password again of the database via Manage Database.
I waited a few minutes for the password change to take effect and reloaded the site and it opened fine.

OK, Merci pour l’information
Bon WE

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