ERRO: ftp_mkdir(): Can't create directory: Disk quota exceeded

(Pergunta em PT.BR)
Olá possuo um site feito no Wordpress, e estou tendo o seguinte problema;

minha pasta ‘‘temp’’ sumiu, e estava tentando criar outra pelo ‘‘Gerenciador de arquivos’’ porém quando clico para criar a pasta aparece a seguinte mensagem;
‘‘ftp_mkdir(): Can’t create directory: Disk quota exceeded’’
porém creio que não consegui usar o espaço total disponibilizado para o meu plano. Alguem pode me ajudar?

(Question in English)
Hello I have a website made in Wordpress, and I’m having the following problem;

my temp folder disappeared, and I was trying to create another one via the ‘File Manager’, but when I click to create the folder the following message appears;
‘’ ftp_mkdir (): Can not create directory: Disk quota exceeded ‘’
but I do not think I was able to use the total space available for my plan. Can someone help me?

It could be inodes or space exceeded, if you have 20,000 small tiny files you’ll get there disk quota exceeded error too.

What is your URL?

Checked your account and it seems you’ve reached your limits.

can you help me too plz i’m using a laravel project and my vendor folder wont load it says ftp_mkdir(): Can’t create directory: Disk quota exceeded can you plz help i really need it with the rest of my loaded folders

It means you’ve exceeded the free limits…?

I am getting this error, but i don’t think i have exceed 20k small files or more than 300mb please resolve this .


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Hi @rsapkota1 you indeed have exceeded free plan limits :frowning:

Delete data to continue.

oh ok thanks for info

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