Error con bd en wordpress de webhost

Hola amigos, somos nuevos en esto de subir sitios al hosting. Tenemos un sitio realizado en wordpress en forma local y queremos subirlo a hosting para las pruebas. Cuando lo migro, copio todo al public_html, creo una bd (en 000wh) con el mismo usuario y contraseña que tiene mi bd local, subo el xml desde el panel de control de wp en 000wh, y me da el siguiente error: " Error estableciendo una conexión con la base de datos", no puedo acceder al panel de control de wp en webhost, y me displaya el error. ¿me podrian guiar en lo que estoy haciendo mal?. Desde ya muchas gracias por la ayuda.

Need to open wp-config.php and put in the new 000webhost database values.

my database values are this:#### removed for privacy

How can I know the name of HOST in the 000webhost. (the server name)

Thanks in advance,

localhost is the host :slight_smile:

I understand this, but the values in wp-config.php apparently is OK, but I have this error “Error establishing a connection to the database”, I can`t see what is the problem …
thanks in advance, and please excuse my english

I’ll go have a lookie now…

So I just took the password you had in wp-config.php and used this to make it the password of the database, then I’ve waited about 5 minutes.

I then updated your URL to match your live installation.

Still a few things you need to update I think with your actual new URL instead of localhost
This can happen if you use an editor when working locally and it saves them as such.
I’m sure you’ll figure it out there will be a URL option in your editor or the theme you’ve picked or something, failing that you could just retry adding these missing images.

ooohhhh, ok, I thought that was automatic.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the inconvenience.

I’ve grabbed the code and updated it via the database for you.

Thanks for your help, question: why doesn’t show the header of the site?

Can you try CTRL F5 and let me know if there is still things missing?

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