ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved

The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:

Connection to failed.

The system returned: (110) Connection timed out

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

anyone else getting this?? I tried resetting .htaccess, I can log in to CP and see all files in the /public_html DIR are intact, and of course a browser cashe wipe. still no website.

UPDATE: I am able to proxy in. no problem. must be on my end.

Have you accessed the site a lot? Or are you using AT&T?

Site loads fine for me. Were you able to access the site before and it just stopped? If so you might have reached the 2000 requests limit for free accounts.

Sorry for the delay, Houston, TX weather has me sick as a dog.
OK here is what i can come up with:
The machine that was unable to see site is Kubuntu / Kali box with win 7 vbox. hard wired. not able to see site on kubuntu or win 7 until after kubuntu update and restart.
my other 2 laptops both win 8.1 no problem
and my android tab and phone no problem
all the others are wireless, all thru same router.
must have just been something goofy on this box.???
anyway problem is resolved (latestest security updates and restart kubuntu 14.04 LTS server)
and no not on att
on sat. link internet (hughesnet)

Thread closed as problem is solved.