Error using website builder

All evening I’m trying out the free website builders. Trying to build a website for flowersofchania(thats also the username).

Hours ago I could upload it, but ever since it gives me errors. Says to wait 5 minutes and try again. Ofcourse after 5 minutes it still doesn’t work.

It even erased all the text on one of the pages.

Sometimes instead of an error, it gives a direct Complete. But when it does, there is no page. It didn’t upload anything, but deleted the ‘zygo’ folder and index.php without uploading something. System status for servers says they are all online.


Hi, there have not been any service disruptions today, so this error has to be directly related to the Zyro website builder. Unfortunately, bugs like this are common, which is why Zyro is being phased out.

However, in your case, deleting the zyro folder will get rid of any content you had previously published. If you still have the site you were trying to design, you can try to continue editing and publishing, but if not you’re best off creating the site yourself.

If you don’t have any knowledge of code, I suggest staying away from website builders and learning HTML and CSS. I’ve linked a few great sites that may help you start learning, and I hope they help!

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