Error with dns and

Hi! My peovider says that dns and are not able to be used for domains “.it”.

Attenzione! Non usare record di tipo CNAME con i domini .it, l’authority italiana ne proibisce l’uso con record di tipo MX, SOA e NS.

Attention, don’t use CNAME records with domains .it, the italian authority doesn’t permit the use of it with record like MX, SOA and NS.

Per i domini .IT il record MX deve essere obbligatoriamente un record di tipo A (non usare in nessun caso record CNAME)

For domains .IT, the MX record must be an A record (never use CNAME record)

Prova a lanciare il comando NSLOOKUP per verificare.

Try to launch NSLOOKUP to verify.

What have I to do to solve this issue?

Try the tutorial below. They should allow you to use Cloudflare name servers.

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Thank you for help me.

when i try to add values, it says “An A, AAAA or CNAME record already exists with that host. (Code: 81053)”

Hi @DanieleCaruso!

Could you please try adding NameServers with uppercase letters? Some registrars require so.