File_get_contents doesn't work

i have problem , when i use file_get_contents function in my code and print the result give me null value . but the same code work good in local server.
any help?

Maybe disabled on our servers?

is the problem in my side or server side?

Maybe that PHP command is disabled on our servers while that will work locally as your local environment has it enabled?

after some days its work fine !

Unlikely to be the issue then

file_get_contents() is a basic PHP function and is enabled for our platform.

Please make sure the path of the file you want to retrieve the content from is correct. You may want to enable PHP errors reporting from General Settings to check for path errors.

this my code

its work fine in repl.
but give me this error when i run file from my hosting:

**Notice** : Undefined index: ProfilePage in  **/storage/**  on line  **6**

**Notice** : Undefined index: ProfilePage in  **/storage**  on line  **7**

Analyze all variables. Note that you’re retrieving content from Instagram from our servers, and Instagram may throw a different response for our IP address.
