Forum Indonesia is not well-known in Indonesia. Maybe it’s helpfull if our admin creates ‘Forum Indonesia’. We wait. :mad:

We may consider it if many requests will be received.

how many is many? 10 - 20 - 100 - or more?

indonesians - please make request … we need you to build an Indonesian Forum

vote ! Indonesia Maknyusss…

not all indonesian users join the forum though, beside, were there any Indonesian moderator in Here? The one who know 000webhost very well and speak bahasa…

But Still, I vote for an Indonesian Forum

that counts … 3?

Maybe the TS could recap the votes on first post…

*ajak yg lain yg di thread sebelah yah…

vote for indo. halo prend semua. :smiley:

hehe, i vote for indonesia. i love indoensian

jiakakkakakak, wellow coy

I have created polling to vote this forum…
this is the link to it…
you can vote for it there…

also, for a while, I’ve created a new thread ONLY for Indonesian language…
this is the link to it…


kok malah ngakak coy :smiley:

klo cinta indonesia nih, ada server indonesia yang gratis! mau?
ya lumayan 250mb/ 6gb /m
anak cilacap yg tnggal disolo kaya-e

koq susah banget buatin forum Indonesia?
mungkin harus dengan persetujuan camat ato lurah?
ato mungkin ni orang pernah pacaran sm org indonesia trus diputusin?
aaahhhhh… who knows…

pleeeaaassseee… i’m begging for indonesian forum… [pake airmata buaya :cool:]

i vote for indonesia. i love indoensian

ea ea,ada tukul,ya ada indonesia…^^

Untuk Indonesia para tukul2 harus rajin posting dan vote untuk forum Indobesia

tak payah lah,
semua celaka kat sini tak buat kerja, org buka support ticket mintak tolong, dia org pun tak nak tolong,
admin kat sini memang babi lah!

hey it’s you… katie…!
uhmm, i dont wanna say about thiz topic, you know lahh, :wink:

salam kenal buat semuanya!!
may god bless u all!!!

I dah sedia untuk transfer website I ke tempat lain.
Service kat sini memang teruk, nasib baik I belum upgrade account I lagi,
I rasa baik aku beli kat Byet.

To the others who know our language, hope u can join us

jangan emosi laaah … kita harus berani mengalah untuk menang. yang penting konsisten posting disini. trims

maaf nimbrung - salam kenal mas nug. posting terus dong biar rame … lama2 admin kan bosen and we have our special Indonesia forums. setuju…??

aku dah transfer website aku ke tempat lain, dah tak tahan dengan binatang-binatang yg bergelar sendiri sebagai admin.

dia org tu anggap org lain semua bodoh, manakala benda yg I lapor tu, memang masalah dia org sendiri…