Header not work

Please help me to connect my header… Is there something to encode before or after the header location?

Hi @ricangela!

Headers must be sent before any other data output. Otherwise you should add

php_flag output_buffering on

to .htaccess and make use of ob_start()/ob_end_flush()

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  require 'dbconnect.php';
  $u = $_POST['user'];
  $p = sha1($_POST['pas']);
  $s = 0;

 $sql = "SELECT * FROM info WHERE UserName ='$u' AND Password ='$p' ";
  $res = $conx->query($sql);
  $row = ($res->fetch_array());

  // num_rows count the rows fetched   
  if ($res->num_rows == 1) {
  	// Create  Session
  	$_SESSION["userId"] = $row['logid'];
  	$_SESSION["userNa"] = $row['UserName']; 
  	 if ($row['Status'] == 3) {
      // Page for Doctor
      header('Location: doctor.php');
      } elseif ($row['Status'] == 2){
     //  Page for Receptionist
      header('Location: receptionist.php');
    } elseif ($row['Status'] == 1){
        // Page for Patient
      header('location: patient.php');
  } elseif ($row['Status'] == 0 ) {
      // Page for Client

  } } else {
    header('Location: denied.php');



Try: header('Location: xyz.php', true, 301);

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