Hi, may i put on my website any logo of protected by antivirus "x" ,x=antivirus name?

And what logos do u support at all of safe buying and av protection pls?
i guess that websites walkthrought av scanning in the company …
thanks and have a nice day.

What do you mean by that?

When u enter a well known website today sometimes they put a logo says “protected by mcafee” as example so my question is may i get confirmation from 000webhost to put some logo on my site that the site is secured on your side by antivirus. and for the customer to feel more safe when entering my website…

Yes, you are allowed to display one of these banners on your site. If you choose McAffe, they will automatically scan your website for malware and the sort to make sure that your site is safe. It it is, they will show it as safe to your website visitors. :slight_smile:

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Is there any logo i may put on tghe website that is supported by 000webhost ?
i mean an antivirus company logo that is supported and being used by webhost pls?

We do not use any antivirus :slight_smile: