Hostinger migration

my website has been sleeping since 9,8 hours so i made a payment ,it still isn’t working ,…

Where did you made the payment?

when i am trying to access my codes , i get a message “website is temporarily sleeping , upgrade to hostinger to avoid sleep” so when i clicked this payment link, it

Did you pay for a hosting?

yes i did…for 3 months package

Log into your hosting account in with the credentials you used to buy the package


thank you ,…i’ll give a try …and i wanted to ask whether i will be able to use my another ac for which i haven’t made a payment and which is also been sleeping now …???

Keep in mind. 000webhost accounts and hostinger accounts are separated parts.

000webhost has some problems right now.

You can use hostinger for powerful servers.

And, after logging in “Import 000webhost site” or contact their live chat

thanks much,

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i cant import my 000webhost site …

Did you contact hostinger support?

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Hi @summer64!

After buying the paid plan you must contact Hostinger Support and ask them to migrate your sites to the new servers.

yes i did,…
thank you…

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They are unable to solve the problem yet… :face_with_thermometer::face_with_thermometer:

What did they say? :confused: