How do i point domain to hostinger?

I have my domain ( ) pointed to 000webhost. i m using cloudflare SSL for my domain and i have nameservers changed to cloudflare. if i want to use domain at hostinger i would need to change nameservers. if i change nameservers i will lose the ssl certificate.

I’m using this method to point my website to 000webhost. I dont find any method on if i transfer my website to hostinger how would i use this I just need to point on hostinger

Hi @haseeb961

  • Go to your hosting package
  • There is your IP address in the left corner.
  • Add A records in cloudflare using those IPs

yes i found server ip. Should i use cname record or A record? And should i remove previous records?

Remove CNAME records and Add two A records for @ and www

I should use ip address or server ip

Use IP Address

done. now its pointed to hostinger?

Yeah. must be. Try your domain now.

i dont know how to use hostinger. is it transferred?

Is it working now? or do you have any other problem?

Hi @haseeb961!

Your domain does not appear to use Cloudflare’s NSs, which means the pointing was unsuccessful. Make sure your domain uses Cloudflare’s NSs.