How to backup your website and why it is important to do so

Hello everyone!

Backing up your website is the most important thing to do (after developing it). Nobody would want to lose his/her hardwork because of some server issues, right?

That’s why, backing up your website should be done on a regular basis, because you never know when an issue can occur.

So, let’s dive right into How to backup your website?
We will divide this into 2 big parts:

  • Backing up your files
  • Backing up your database

1. Backing up your files

Files are a very important aspect of the website. After all, you can’t run a website without files. From where the importance of keeping them backed up.
To back your files up, simply follow those easy steps:

  1. Login to the 000webhost cPanel
  2. Select the desired website, choose Tools (from left menu), hit File manager, then hit Upload files now
  3. Hit on the first checkbox (located in the header), to select all of the files

4. Hit on the COMPRESS icon

5. Input a name, select an extension, then hit the Compress button

6. Your files will be compressed into a file (Name + Extension)
7. Now, right click on the compressed file (or tap and hold if on mobile), then hit the Download button

  1. Success! Your files have been successfully backed up!

2. Backing up your database (if you have one)

Now, if your sites runs with a database (this includes WordPress, Joomla, Forum softwares, PHP websites that use MySQL, etc…), then backing up your database (regularly) is considered good practice.
To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the 000webhost cPanel
  2. Select the desired website then hit Manage database.
  3. This will show up. Now, hit the Manage button (if you have 2 databases, do the next steps for each one), then Manage DB.

4. The PHPMyAdmin interface will open. Now, select the database (usually starting with id) by clicking on it

  1. On the top, locate Export then click on it

  1. Now, select Quick (if it isn’t already), choose the SQL format, then hit Go.

7. Success! Your database backup file (Database-name.sql) will now begin downloading!

At the end

This applies to any software/website you host on 000webhost and is not limited to any software.
Do not do this just 1 time! Do it atleast once a month or even regularly if your website files/database change often.
Stay safe and enjoy webmastering,
The 000webhost team