cannot use session_php
is it able to turn on the session.auto_start?
mysite is :
many thanks

Did you put session_start(); at the beginning of your PHP script?

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Yes, I’ve put session_start() at the beginning of my php code
I encounter the same problem (session not remain when page chnges)on my localhost,
and solved by change session.auto_start into ‘On’ in php.ini

When I check the phpinfo on 00webhost
It seems the default setting of php in your host is ‘Off’…
thus, please help adjust the setting of session.auto_start into ‘On’
Million Thanks …

Is there a tmp folder in the / folder?

yes, there’re [tmp] and [public_html] in [/] folder

Let me forward that to the developers

Can you try now?


tried, but not work either…
the session is still not being preservered
I notice in 000webhost is not enabled [session.auto_start] right now

which I was solved the problem by turn on [session.auto_start] into ‘On’ on localhost
is it able to switch that on for a test ?

We can’t change PHP parameters on the free plan unfortunately.

Can you try now please?

wow !! that’s amazing, it works… thank you very much

wish to know what’s the change of the setting

Check your .htaccess file :slight_smile:

Can I ask what actually had been changed here?
I have very simmilar problems. Only thing in .htaccess is php enable errors, also my session files in tmp are being created, but are empty. I use exit() after header, I start with session_start() everywhere.

Check your .htaccess file :slight_smile:

php_value display_errors 1
php_value session.auto_start 1

Is the contents of his .htaccess file.