mi nombre es Adriams Zapata mi pagina le ocurre el error 404 a las personas les entra bien pero luego sale la pantalla de pantalla de pagina no encontrada

Hello. I just went to your website and I’m not seeing any signs of a 404 error. Can you tell us where you’re seeing this?

en mi computador
porque uan compañera entro y le daba esa respuesta


Your site is loading good on our side. Please post the exact URL on which you are experiencing the issue :slight_smile:

esa es

Please clear your browser cache and try to load your site again.

miren a mi me dio y ya borre los datos cache

You have no file uploaded called Inicio.html…

pero me dijeron que era index
me oueden decir que hacer

English? :confounded:

but they told me it was index what I do I put both pagians index and start

index.html is the first page that will be shown to visitors.

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