I accidentally deleted the website source file. How can I recover it?

I accidentally deleted the website source file. How can I recover it?

If you deleted it unless you’ve got a backup/copy then there isn’t a way sorry.

if pay money,whether can help me recover?

Even if you paid money I have no way to recover files, once you delete a file in FTP or File Manager it literally is gone forever we don’t have any backups or trash can on the free service.

If you’ve got the file locally on your PC you can just reupload it, if you did have the file locally and deleted it locally from your PC you can use Recuva or other tools to TRY to recover from your Windows install but it is unlikely.

■■■■, 000webhost provides ftp online file manager to delete all without prompting to confirm whether it is really deleted, anyway, just click the delete button, it will perform the deletion, whether it is really want to delete or inadvertently wrong

■■■■■■■! intense proposal for files.000webhost.com add delete confirm tips,can?

I’m not sure what you getting at?

Right click a file, delete

Confirm window pops up, delete and it deletes?

Same using FTP client?

I don’t know, my reporter, I clicked the compression button, and after a while the file is gone, what happened?

If you clicked the compress file button it compresses it into whatever .zip file you choose.
It doesn’t delete any files.

What URL are you talking about anyhow?

However, I did not see the compressed file, and the source file will not be deleted after compression.

Source file isn’t deleted after compression no.

Yes, I know that the source file will not be deleted after compression, but after compression, my source file is gone.

What URL is this concerning?

I’ll ask a developer to have a look at it but there is little they can do probably just they’ll be able to see what I can.

What kind of file did you compress, do you remember file name or was it a folder or what?

What was the website?

& where in the world are you located? :stuck_out_tongue:

My God, I am very painful, I am so painful that I unbearable,do not want eat and sleep

Yes well from looking there isn’t anything wrong with our side of things, when you right clicked your files to compress did you accidentally click delete? :confused: