I can't access File Manager_


I still cannot access my website :frowning:
the page is loading, but noting happen.
When i pin the website addres, the pakacges fail to be recived.

I hope for a fix.
P.S. It’s somteting to the rooter. Wn i acces from the phone network it works, from the rooter it dosn’t.

Bună seara, @asasin_kyll!

Conexiunea FTP rulează ok pentru site-ul dv.

Puteți accesa 000webhost cPanel > Manage Files? Dacă nu, ce erori întâmpinați? Faceți screenshot dacă puteți…

The FTP connection loads ok for your site.

Can you access 000webhost cPanel > Manage Files? If not, what errors do you get? Do a screenshot if you can.

Also, do you speak EN or RO?


I have a problem with my website.
I cannot access the file manager, or connect throw a FTP connectin.
When i try to PING .000webhostapp.com all the sent pakages are lost.

can you pleas help me ?

Did you try what above staff member suggested??

If not Goto “Manage Files” >> “Upload Files” >> “Upload files now”.


Try using a proxy or VPN :slight_smile:

Vorbesc Romana …

Ok, întâi șterge cache-ul browser-ului și încearcă din now. Dacă tot nu merge, urmează pașii de jos:

  1. Mergi la 000webhost cPanel > Settings > General > Change password > alege o nouă parolă

  2. Mergi la files.000webhost.com

  3. • username: altaire
    • password: parola aleasă anterior

Ok, first clear your browser cache and try again. If it fails, please follow the below steps:

  1. Go to 000webhost cPanel > Settings > General > Change password > pick up a new password.

  2. Go to File Manager: files.000webhost.com

  3. • username: altaire
    • password: your previous chosen password

Nu functioneaza :frowning:
Tot aceeasi problema o am.

Nu ma pot conecta nici macar pe propriul site.


Check this out. We are having some maintenance with our FTP servers.

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