I can't share my page link to facebook

Each time i try to share my post links to facebook it doesn’t work please help
my site url is funnygeeks.ga

What do you exactly get when trying to share this link?

I was expecting facebook to bring out the preview of my post with post title and featured images but it only shows preview as funygeeks.ga.funnygeeks.ga like the picture i sent

@Thevhaiyne Don’t use 000webhost url…
Use your custom domain url while posting :slight_smile:

I tried it its still the same thing. I just changed my site’s permalink now and when i try to lpad a page i see a 404 error. Its like there is something i have to do in htaccess but i don’t know how please can you help resolve it? Thanks

The permalink issue has been resolved. Thank bt the facebook preview issue is yet to be resolved. Thanks

Facebook blocks 000webhostapp URLs due to previous spammers. Try pointing a custom domain if you have not already and using that link.

Please how do i do that? Am not that techy. Thanks

Thanks, i have done all this, it didn’t help, used facebook developer tool and this is what i got don’t know how to fix this on my own