I get a 404 CPU error message, page doesn't load


All of a sudden I get redirected to this http://error404.000webhost.com/cpu-limit-reached.html when people try to load my page. The message doesn’t say what to do about it. Does anyone have a clue? My page is http://drennalin.net16.net/. Thanks for listening, Pete

What status is showing when you login to your control panel at 000webhost?
The looks of the URL shows that you have breached a limit of some sort, i.e. too many visitors at once or sending out emails or something that would breach a limit.

It shows active status. http://prntscr.com/dd7y1d. You would think that something like this would reset but it just sits there. Thanks, Pete

You are not alone!!

This site gets the same error:

I posted a question about it, but the question got “temporarily hidden by an administrator” and that was more than 10 days ago!!

It would be nice to know why/how to overcome the block.

Suspended/cancelled accounts regularly have their files deleted, just visit 000webhost.com and create a new email and signup then reupload or recreate your data.