Install Maian Support on your website

Wish to provide ticket support to your website users to resolve issues if they’ve bought something from you or have issues using your scripts etc?

Then download the script here:

Now I’ll upload the script to my 000webhost hosting

Once uploaded I’ll unzip using unzipper.php

Once unzipped I’ll head over to the members area and create a database for it.

Now I’ll head to put the database information into our script…

Open up connect.php inside control inside helpdesk

Type in your database details to get started…

Browse down and change the secret key in this file too…

Change the cookie name also!

Now once done hit up the installer via /helpdesk/install/index.php

Now delete /install directory and login to admin

Once logged in you can setup ticket departments, staff members to read tickets and respond to your customers.

I may update this in the future but 000webhost has no IMAP support; some users may experience errors while installing this due to that.

If you wish to use IMAP visit sorry for any inconvenience.