Javascript and owl.carousel.min.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server

Hi I just uploaded my website on 000webhost on my local host I get no errors and everything works fine.

But on 000webshost my Carousel does not work and all my js.

Website Link:

Need help to solve this please


I get this errors.

404 means it isn’t uploaded.

I know this,
how do I solve the problem ?

Upload the files like script.js into js inside assets inside the folder it should be in.

I did that.
Hence me asking why I get the error and what the solution is.

Is it a 000webhost issue ? because on my local host everything works.

Well no?
Its a 404 file not found issue as I said and the error page clearly shows?

Is not uploaded and is 404 erroring in Console

The same for

And all the other errors. folder is empty???

For some reason the folder was empty.

I have uploaded the files before, tried to upload again.

It shows me Error -1 - Bridge response error. Please try again later. when I try to upload

Try using FileZilla or FTP client.

All sorted,

Thank you for your swift response.

I appreciate it.

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