Just connected to Cloudflare - now my site's IP address can't be found

Hello again, thank you for your valuable help here!

I just connected to Cloudflare by following the How to Use Cloudflare for SSL tutorial.
My URLs are florafaunafolk.co.uk and florafaunafolk.000webhostapp.com. I’m trying to set florafaunafolk.co.uk as my website’s domain and have it so web browsers don’t block my site for being unsecure.

I had previously connected my domain directly to 000webhost, and had already linked wordpress, as I wasn’t aware this wouldn’t give a secure site. I deleted the previous DNS records in Cloudflare as recommended, but I’m not sure if this has caused a problem here. Other than that followed the tutorial fine, and it seemed to work.

Now however, when I go to florafaunafolk.co.uk, I get the following message and cannot access my website
fff serve IP could not be found

Have I done something terribly wrong along the way or is there a way I can fix this?

Thank you,

Seems fine my end of the world.

Try Use To Resolve Your Website Quicker

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