Kate cloudflare nameserver question

Ensure the clouds are GREY on CloudFlare else you’ll get

Once you’ve added your domain to 000webhost successfully THEN you can change the clouds on CloudFlare to ORANGE to allow HTTPS/SSL

I too get these errors on my own personal account I think CloudFlare is having some issues.

You still need to setup your end correct though.

I did thatimage , and change color of clouds, but nothing to change.

Now flush / clear your browser data

Ensure this shows FLEXIBLE.

Don’t change it to anything else.

Try changing all these to ON

After all is setup and running take a read of https://community.cloudflare.com/t/why-we-recommend-you-dont-use-flexible/63531

I would advise at your earliest opportunity to upgrade to hosting which supports FULL :slight_smile:
https://www.hostinger.com/special/000webhost would be one of them if configured correctly!


You are the best!!!
I’ll tell your advice to owner of site!

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