Lost website 524 error


Once again I’m having issues with my website. This time, I’m scared I lost it. I got an email from Hostinger letting me know someone tried to get to my site and I only have my domain left. I don’t see any information about my wordpress site.

In addition, when I tried to get to my site it said “524:a timeout occurred” … What can I do ??

Thanks for your help.

My website address: http://deco-centrees.com

I know there are changes being made to the panel which resulting in access issues for some users.
Can you attach the email you got

Yep, of course.

That was a security email from Hostinger, there was a potential breach of information on their system for Hostinger only customers.
The issue is separate from our free hosting plan and the free accounts are not affected by this.

your website seems active on our system but today there are changes being made on the network which will result in websites not being accessible and the panel being inaccessible too.

Ok, thank you for your help !