Marvin inactivity

My website is apparently down and I cannot access my account to fix it. All attempts to log in have failed. I’ve been trying all day to reset my password but I am not receiving any emails (I’ve checked my spam folder). I have contacted the 000webhost team multiple times without response. What can I do to restore access to my account?

EDIT: Since this post has been shut down, I have to edit this post to say that I am furious that my account was deleted without any warning. I’ve received communications in the past about inactivity and have always been able to deal with it accordingly without any issues. I’m not sure when this policy changed. I will be taking my business elsewhere.

Checking your forum email address against our 000webhost free hosting platform I find no results.
Checking the deletion logs I can find a result for the same email either for inactivity or by user request.

You will need to make a new account in this case as it has been deleted for user inactivity or by request.

Free users must login at a minimum of once per week to avoid inactive user deletions.

Feel free to make a new account / new website using alternative naming.

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