Max queries per hour

I didn’t use my DB today more than once at around 11AM , but at 1PM I tried checking it to show it to my friend and it returned error at log in.

After about 30 min of first noticing this error it started working again.

What could cause this error?

I’m using DB for Arduino to store data from humidity and temperature sensors. It stores data aprox. every 5 min BUT it was stoped yesterday at 11:34PM so it wasn’t sending any data since then.

It was working for like non-stop 4 hours yesterday and there was no error.

Hi it is not related to when you open your database. Here is limit of 15000 max queries per hour and whenever you do changes in your website and do queries for database then this limit is exceeded and then you have to wait for them to cool down to access your database and website

Hello but I didn’t access my website, or DB… I also didn’t make any changes today. I wasn’t using anything connected to 000webhost until I logged in DB at 11AM. Arduino is also inactive since yesterday.

Should Be Fixed now :slight_smile:

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