Maximum websites for free account - New quota?

I have a free account with 000Webhost. and originally I had 2 websites. I use both to learn and test web development.
I deleted one just now, with the intention of starting a new one from scratch. However, when I went to create a new one, it said I have reached 1 out of 1 permitted websites under the free account.
Is there a new quota? I think I joined in late 2018 or sometime in 2019.
So now I have only 1 account, the link is:

The other one I used to have, is:

I have attached a screenshot of the message that gets displayed when I try to add a new website.

If I can get a new one that would be great. If not, I guess I can survive, as I don’t use it daily. I use both to do comparisons in my test websites.
Thank you


1 slot is the new allowance yes.

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