Mi pagina no abre

buen día, alguien me puede ayudar mi pagina web no abre. Los dns están bien configurados. Que puede estar pasando. Tambien subi los archicos con filezilla y está correcto. Gracias

Custom domain or 000webhost subdomain?

domino propio en hostinger

Does it work with 000webhost subdomain?

creo que si, como medoy cuenta ???

Try opening your website from coming-blocks.000webhostapp.com

ya intenté y abre en blanco

Are you sure the index page is not empty?

me podes indicar como veo la pagina de indice

Login to files.000webhost.com and double click on the index file

<?php // Powered by Zyro.com if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') < 0) { echo "Your PHP version is outdated for this website. Please update PHP version to 5.3.6 or higher."; exit(); } include dirname(__FILE__).'/zyro/index.php'; ?>

Oh, so you’re using Zyro

@sulliops @austin thoughts?

Hi, so I’ve visited your site and it shows this

I have moved/renamed the folder so it is correctly structured and the site APPEARS to be okay now?

Confirm please

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