Mixed content issue

I changed my domain nameservers to those of cloudflare and pointed it to 000webhost site. my domain is tedxyouth6octoberstem.com and 000webhost site which is pointed to is tedxoctober000webhostappcom. Everything was going well and I activated my ssl certificate through cloudflare. However when I install wordpress, I got mixed content issue on my domain but 000webhost domain works well. every solution I tried to solve this problem didn’t work I don’t know if the solutions is applied only to 000webhost domain or what so if anyone can help me with this, it would be great. sorry I replaced the . with * in 000webhost domain name because the policies prevent posting more than one link for new users.

PS: I turned one the option of always use https on cloudflare.

Tried? https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/ssl-insecure-content-fixer/

yes I did, as I said it’s like it tries to solve 000webhost domain problems not mine :"

here at the first image the resources of 000webhost domain and it’s all through https while the second image the resources in my domain (coming from 000webhost domain) are http. I don’t really understand why

PS: would put the second image in a new comment because of rules :"


Have you updated WP to use your custom domain?

No I didn’t tell you told me, but now I got “redirected you too many times.” when trying to access wp-admin from either domains.

Sometimes can happen after this just clear your browser cache etc.

https://tedxyouth6octoberstem.com/wp-admin loads fine here

I followed these steps and it worked, thanks a lot for your help!!!