My new domain is already in use

Hi, when i added my new domain in 00webhost, it says domain name already in use. is my domain.

Please screenshot your registrar cPanel to prove your domain ownership, then give me the new email address you want to transfer to.

Can you try now? :slight_smile:

i tried. it still says the same “domain name already in use”

Cam you change your nameservers to


@ckhawand done. i changed my domains nameservers to your 000webhost.

Now go to cPanel and park it

@ckhawand it still says the same.

Hmmm, your domain does not appear in our records…

how to fix this issue

Changing the domain or upgrading to hostinger :confused:

Try now please and screenshot the set web address page please listing any domains or no domains.

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@Infinity @ckhawand hi, tried again but didnt work… here are my screenshots.

thank you guys. now it works fine.

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