My webpage had been block by panda security for phishing issue, why is that?

URL Bloqueada:

How can i fix this?

First of all, you cannot use WWW at the beginning of your domain. You will need to just use or point your own domain.

If you already have a domain click here.

If you don’t have one but would like one free of charge click here.

As far as the Panda Security issue, this is something that only they can fix. They probably blocked the site because 000webhost is sometimes used for spam. Maybe there is a way you can add an exception, so I would suggest contacting their support.

it´s been some days since i have the web page on the 000web server and still says that: there is nothing yet, create you new web site…


That is because you are using WWW. You cannot use WWW on a free subdomain. You will have to use the non-WWW version which is in order to see your site content.

Thank you, i did what you recommended to do about panda and it work, thanks

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