My webpage isn't working and all of links are going to


I’m using 000webhost, from today suddenly I can not use my website.
I’ve parked domain about 1 hour before. After there was something like google warning. (After that I cancelled my domain)

The real problem is, I can not access my wordpress admin page. I tried to login many times, but always all links are going to ''
I don’t know what can I do. I can not access as an administer so I can not backup my files.
Is there a way to get back my files or to access wordpress admin page?
Please help me! :frowning:

It seems my wordpress admin page has in trouble.
I had changed my website address on wordpress tool page. But maybe I wrote a wrong website address.
But I don’t know how can I fix it…

@Marcipan Fixed!!! Your website is working fine now.

If you want to change to custom domain, then
Go to “Settings” >> “General” and update “site” and “wordpress” url with your custom domain name.