My website gives error: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

My website with link “” when I open him on my internet gives error: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED but when i open him on internet in one another house it works.
How i can fix that?

You can try

  1. Use a different browser / clear existing browser cache data

  2. Use alternative DNS to ensure this isn’t an issue with bad DNS from your standard ISP / being blocked by your ISP as a lot of providers now block 000webhost sadly (using alternative DNS like will resolve this currently - Use To Resolve Your Website Quicker)

  3. Disable your computer firewall and antivirus temporarily - if this allows access then we can work to add an exception on your firewall/antivirus quite easily normally depending on your software.

  4. Use a VPN such as - if this allows access then there is a blockage on your computer, local network or ISP along the way and we can only advise trying alternative DNS/contacting your network administrator.