My website is offline how do I fix it?

The community is your first point of call - they/we are here to help you with any issues and try to resolve them as fast as possible.

Try to refrain from posting a thread if several other ones alike have already been posted - the staff members are most certainly always working on the issue if there is a thread created with the problem.

If you don’t see any recent threads matching your issue feel free to create a thread and wait for responses.

The community forum is managed and monitored all the time for serious issues that affect all users while individual issues are answered as and when by staff and of course the community members who can help out just as much!

Down because 000webhost is under ddos attack, check status page located here:

If you see that any of the monitors are down/red then you’ll know that there are issues

My database is not working, check status page located here:

If you see that any of the monitors are down/red then you’ll know that there are issues

I see error HTTP ERROR 500, turn on error log within > settings > to see errors logs for help.

ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED > 9 times out of 10 this is a local issue solvable by disabling your computer’s Internet security & firewall temporarily to see if the website will then load; if it does you know you need to add your website as an exception.

DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN > 9 times out of 10 this is a local issue again with your local Internet Service provider using outdated or not as updated DNS servers as the likes of Google DNS / OpenDNS etc
Simply follow this other tutorial to use Google DNS and most issues are resolved by doing this: How to enable faster DNS resolution to get your site to appear quicker on Windows 7