Not able to open Control Panel

Hello I am not be able to open my control panel. Retrying 9s display How to open my control panel?

Try hitting Shift+F5, if the problem persists, try using a VPN, that solved my case. If possible, use an FTP to access your files, or I you wanted to do anything else, try those two solutions I have suggested.
Mine is working fine (So your case is most likely to be solved by a VPN)

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I tried But Not Working….:joy:

Did you try using VPN? (such as softether)

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Yeah I was Tried but its not working…

What software do you use for VPN?
Also, please use chrome to open 000webhost, I think that’ll have a chance to be fixed.

Hi @shail_25!

There are certain issues with 000webhost network nodes right now. Admins are applying a few software updates. During this process such errors may occur. Please read this topic for more information.

If you want, you can access your website content directly through File Manager (use your website credentials to log in) or your database through phpMyAdmin (use your DB credentials to log in)