On what port my website is running?

I am new to web hosting. I am trying to connect to my website
from my esp8266-01 module.
when i am doing AT+CIPSTART=0,“TCP”,“esp01.000webhostapp.com”,80
i am getting error ““0,CLOSED””
THis is probably because my website esp01.000webhostapp may not be running on port 80. If this is the case i want to know on what port the website is running

I honestly don’t know. Try 8080?

Tried ports 80,8080,443 nothing working,
however if i register mylink [https://esp01.000webhostapp.com/interface.php]with Thingspeak as a api and generate ThingHTTP request i am able to hit that website through ESP01.
Can you tell me what’s happening?

The port is 80 but this may be issue related to subdomain, try pointing a custom domain and then try again.