Onde eu troco os nameserver?

Galera eu comprei uma hospedagem no hostinger e eu preciso trocar os namerserver da webhost,
porem nao estou conseguindo saber onde clicar pra trocar os namerserve!

alguem me manda o link para ser direcionado para pagina onde troca os namerservers?

Hi what is url of which you want to change nameservers?

I want to change the namerserver!
I can not do it!


What is the domain URL

I bought a hostinger plan, and I want to point it to webhost, but I’m not able to change the namerserver … because I’m not finding the option or the location for me to click to do the namerserver exchange.

So you have your domain in hostinger? Right?

Or if you want to point your 000webhostapp.com url to hostinger then it is not possible

Yes, I have a webhost site and I have to make a setting to point that my site to the hostinger domain, but I am not able to do that.

What is your domain?

Look, my site is free, and I already bought the plan.


Well you can’t point *.000webhostapp.com url to any hosting.
They are subdomains for 000webhost and you can’t update their nameservers and can only use them here with your website.
You have to use a custom domain to point it to your hostinger hotsting

and how do I point to the hostinger?

You can’t point your this domain http://melhoresfilmeshd.000webhostapp.com/ to hostinger.
You can register some free domains at freenom.tk or you can buy domain in hostinger

I bought a hostinger hosting, I can not point my website to the hostinger is this?
I can only change my domain?

Yes you can’t point 000webhostapp.com domains to hostinger