Origin DNS Error 1016 Cloudflare

I using MyBB.
SSL: Full - (Flexible SSL is not compatible for MyBB)

please don’t tell me to stop the cloudflare.
cloudflare is a very important application for the system.
protects me by preventing fake visitor traffic.

Option 1: disable CloudFlare

Option 2: wait until the issue resolves


Please look cloudflare page… Is there a solution that is suitable for me?
I don’t have a good English.
I can’t disable the cloudflare (fake traffic attack).
I think webhost is under attack.
I can’t see my servers.

(Webhost opened and my website opened).

The cPanel loading issue will be CloudFlare related too sadly, I’ve passed your concern onto our devops who are currently working away on a few issues today.

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This is solution reply. Thanks.

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