Php email verification problem

hi every one. i created a signup page with email conformation check . when i try to test this page then email sent to the gevin email . but then when user try to click verification then 000webhost refused to accept and verify this email…
this is how i retrieve user…
Hello $uname,

					Welcome to Coding !
					To complete your registration  please , just click following link
					 href='$id&code=$code'>Click HERE to Activate :

and i encounter this error.
The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the…

The following error was encountered:

Connection to 2a02:4780::6 Failed
The system returned:

(101) Network is unreachable

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

Your cache administrator is root.

You cannot use ns01/02 as those are nameservers.
Use your * website instead


thanks a lot sir, u paved my work.

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