PHP form data not being sent

Form data not being sent to gmail from php. Ive tried everything i know including going through posts on here. Kindly help pls…cheers

Have you checked your spam folder? Lots of spammers use 000webhost and that has resulted in emails from our servers being flagged by mistake.

No it wasnt in spam folder either. I tried the basic test and recieved that in my inbox

<?php $to = ""; $subject = "My subject"; $txt = "Hello world! All will be fine"; $headers = "From:" . "\r\n" . "CC:"; mail($to,$subject,$txt,$headers); ?>

can you pls have a look at my php, see if you can detect the problem.


I don’t see any issue with your PHP, however I don’t know much about it myself. Maybe @Supun or @ckhawand can look into this for you.

Thanks alot but thats not my php, its the test script i found here on the forum to see if the problem is from your end…but that works fine.
How can i contact the 2 moderators you referenced pls.
Thanks again.

They will see this topic and assist whenever they’re online.

Ok thanks you, bless

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Pls i’m still looking for help on this…i appreciate any assistance.

Thanks in advance

I recommend you use PHPMailer, it’s more stable than mail();

ok thanks, can you give me sample of the script pls