Php mysql insert not working

I have a stored procedure where I insert and fetch LAST_INSERT_ID() in a select statement and I am able to call the procedure both in PHPMyAdmin and PHP script without any problem. Unfortunately, if I use the PHP script the insertion does not persists in the table whereas with PHPMyAdmin it does.
Is anything wrong with the script?

public function call($procedure, $in = null){
	$link = $this->connect();
	$call_sql = "call $procedure(";
	$is_in_set = isset($in);
			$set_sql = 'SET ';
			$types = '';
			$length = sizeof($in);
			for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){
				$variable = "@in$i";
				$call_sql .= "$variable, ";
				$set_sql .= "$variable := ?, ";
				$types .= $this->typeSelector($in[$i]);

			$call_sql = rtrim($call_sql,', ');
			$set_sql = rtrim($set_sql,', ');
			array_unshift($in, $types);
			$stmt = $link->prepare($set_sql);
			$stmtReflection = new ReflectionClass('mysqli_stmt'); 
			$reflectionMethod = $stmtReflection->getMethod('bind_param'); 
			$reflectionMethod->invokeArgs($stmt, $in);
		$call_sql .= ')';
		$stmt = $link->query($call_sql);
		$result = $stmt->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
		return $result;
	}catch(Exception $e){
		die("(" . $e->getCode() . ") " . $e->getMessage());

Found the error…
A missing COMMIT command in the end of the Storage Procedure. (I thought the autocommit was enable…)